Star wars katana dreadnought
Star wars katana dreadnought

star wars katana dreadnought

Despite repeated demand to name the Katana class Cruiser, the attempts had been rebuffed by statement of the names being a part of the Galactic Remnant's history and thus they would not change them. During the inauguration of the latest GR Ambassador to the New Republic prior to the destruction of the New Republic capital, the Katana class Cruisers Hoth, Jedha, Atollon and Caamas escorted the Ambassador's ship into the heart of New Republic territory. Interestingly enough all Katana class Cruisers baring the Katana herself, were named for defeats suffered by the Rebel Alliance, earlier rebel cells, and sore points for the New Republic. As per restrictions placed on the Galactic Remnant, the Katana was a slow moving Cruiser but made up for this with a excellent maneuverability.

star wars katana dreadnought

Officially the Katana class was introduced to the galaxy at large in 15 ABY, many of the flaws featured in the Dreadnought class had been fixed and the ship featured a number of innovations which reduced the crew complement to much smaller comfortable 4000 crew over the original 16000 crew of the Dreadnought. Following the discovery of the Katana fleet by the Imperator Heavy Mining Cruiser Alderaan, the Katana fleet was relocated elsewhere and the slow process of moderization began while. Officially the Katana class Cruiser variant of the Dreadnought Class Heavy Cruiser that had been modernized and built for the Empire but had been acquired by the Galactic Remnant, unofficially the Katana class was in fact a smokescreen erected by the Galactic Remnant to hide the fact that they had discovered the lost Katana fleet and were in the process of modernizing them in secret.

Star wars katana dreadnought